Hi friends,
If you want to hide your files and folders without using any software then this trick is very helpful for you.
I want to share The Simplest But Effective Command Prompt Trick For Hiding "Files and Folders".
Actually its an DOS command "attrib".
It has two following benefits:-
1)It can hide or show files.
2)It can hide or show folders.
3)The size of the file or folder can be hidden or unknown.
How to use it:-
1) for hiding files use this:-
attrib +s +h pathoffile
ex. F:\> attrib +s +h F:doc.txt
This will hide the file doc.txt from drive F:
2) for hiding folders use this:-
attrib +s +h pathoffolder
ex. F:\> attrib +s +h F:MyFolder
This will hide the folder MyFolder from drive F:
3) for showing files use this:-
attrib -s -h pathoffile
ex. F:\> attrib -s -h F:doc.txt
This will show the hidden file doc.txt from drive F:
4) for showing folders use this:-
attrib -s -h pathoffolder
ex. F:\> attrib -s -h F:MyFolder
This will Show the hidden folder MyFolder from drive F:
working explained below:-
The "attrib" is the DOS command. Which has following attributes:-
'+' Sets an Attribute.
'-' Clears an Attribute.
'r' ReadOnly file Attribute.
's' System file Attribute.
'h' Hidden file Attribute.
Using this trick you can not only hide the files or folders but also you can make the size of the files and folders unknown.
Note: This was only for the educational purpose.
The Latest Tricks And Hacks
command prompt tricks and tips
folders using command prompt
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The Simplest But Effective Command Prompt Trick For Hiding "Files and Folders".
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