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Some Hidden Secrets Of Microsoft Windows XP Continued...

                        Previously we have seen some hidden secrets of Microsoft Windows XP. Now we will see some more hidden secrets of it.
  • Private Character Editor(Hidden Font Editor):- 
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Steps To Use:-
  1. Go to Start.
  2. Click Run.
  3. Type "eudcedit" without quotes.
  4. You will see something like this...

Description:-You can use Private Character Editor to create unique letters and logos for your font library. You will definitely be amazed with this Character Editor program... 
  • Windows Chat(Hidden Windows Chat Program):-
Affiliate Program ”Get Money from your Website”
Steps To Use:- 
  1.  Go to Start.
  2. Click Run.
  3. Type "winchat" without quotes.
  4. You will see something like this...

Description:-You can use Windows Chat on your computer to communicate with someone on another computer. Both computers must be connected to the same network (for example, a local area network [LAN] or the Internet). Also, each computer must be running a similar protocol, such as TCP/IP.
  • Windows Media Player 5.1 and 6.4(Old Hidden Windows Media Player):-
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Steps To Use:- 
  1. Go to Start.
  2. Click Run
  3. Type "mplay32" or "mplayer2" without quotes.
  4. You will see something like this...
  • Windows media player 5.1

  •  Windows media player 6.4

 Description:- Both are old windows media players..Hope you like this.
                           If you like this or have any queries you can leave a comment. Don't forget to share this with your friends....
Omkar Fatale 
Omkar Fatale

Omkar Fatale

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  1. its awesome dude
    bt will u bring tricks of windows 7
    xp is old mw

  2. yes, I will, surely..
    and thanks for your response...


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