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How To Install Windows 7 Using USB drive In Simple Way

Advantages Of using USB as a bootable drive:-
  1. You don't have to purchase a DVD drive.
  2. Making a bootable USB drive is easier than DVD.
  3. Saves a lot of time.
Prerequisites for making bootable Windows 7 USB drive:-
  1. USB flash drive with minimum of 4GB.
  2. Windows 7 image.
  3. Winrar or PowerIso.
  4. Take back up of data present in your USB and format it.
Following are the steps for making bootable windows 7 USB drive:-
  1. Right click on Windows 7 image file and extract all files using Winrar or PowerIso into USB drive.
  2. Make sure there is autorun.inf file extracted from the image to the USB drive.
  3. And your bootable Windows 7 USB drive is ready to use.
If you face some difficulties in making bootable windows 7 USB drive you can ask me by leaving your comments below.
Omkar Fatale

Omkar Fatale

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  1. guys, i already do what you write above, but my laptop still don't boot from my usb drive, i use toshiba laptop, please help me..

    1. Hi Cara, First download PowerISO 4.8 or higher from,install it, then plug in your USB Drive, then in power iso go to Tools->Create Bootable USB Drive->Select .iso image of OS->Click start. And you are Done...

    2. And be sure to back up your data from USB drive, as it will format your usb drive...


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