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Having Problem Of Missing DLL files? Here Is The Solution.

Get free DLL files
Yesterday, at my friends house, me and my other friends were invited to play "NFS Most Wanted-2013 Limited Edition". When he started the game and suddenly 'Ding', "Error, somename.dll file is missing!!!", he got upset and asked me "what should we do now? Can you fix this?" I said "don't worry my friend. I have a solution here."

Actually solution for this problem is very simple. You can directly go for Google, search by using the name of missing DLL file, you will get the required file at the first link of results.

Now, coming back to the problem, there are some websites which provides all the DLL files for free. These are as follows:

    Get Free DLL files
    One of the most famous websites and ranked no.1 in Google search that most of people uses. let's you download specific DLL-files to solve your DLL problems. They also provide their software "DLL-files Fixer" available to automatically solve the DLL problem. Simply enter the name of the file you're looking for or you can also search by using starting letter of the file.

    Get Free DLL files
    It offers you almost every DLL file you that you might need for the windows operating system. On the Home page you can see newly added DLL files, and files that are requested and are in queue to be added in their website. The Advanced search lets you find files by name, developer and software. If you can't find the file you are looking for then you can request for that file.

    Get Free DLL files hosts thousands of DLL files. All these files are well organized that you can find them very easily. There are letter A-Z and numbers 0-9 to find files by first letter. This site also has .INF on and .OCX files on

    Get Free DLL files
    This is similar to above sites, but is very simple to use. DLL files are directly listed from 0-9 and A-Z on the home page.
These are some famous site listed above. Hope, this might help you in fixing your DLL errors. If you like this, then share it with your friends and have any problems then leave a comment.
    Omkar Fatale

    Omkar Fatale

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