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Smart Ways To Engage And Ultimately Increase Your Facebook Fan Page Fans

How To increase Facbook Fan Page fans
 As the Facebook is world’s most loved and visited social networking website, this is the place from where you will be getting most of the traffic for your blog or website. Facebook is the second most visited website after Google. And If you have Facebook Fan Page of your blog then it is very easy to get more traffic to your blog or website.
  • First Smart Way
When you publish any updates from your blog to your Facebook Fan Page, either you can post it as a “link post” or a “photo post”. As you might have seen that when someone publishes a “photo post” it gets more likes or comments than a link post. The photo post gets seen by most of the Facebook users, when they like it or comment on it, it is shown on their profile or in their friends news feed. In this way the photo post spreads more among your Facebook fans and their friends than the link post. Below you can see the screen shots of both link post and photo post published on my blog’s Facebook page.
Screen shot of link post:

How To increase Facbook Fan Page fans

As you can see in the image above this link post was published on 27 February and it is seen only by 48 users, no likes and no comments. But if you see the screen shot below which is a photo post, you will see the great difference.
Screen shot of photo post :

How To increase Facbook Fan Page fans

As you can see in the screen shot above the photo post was published on last Saturday and in just 2-3 days it was seen by 180 users and 3 likes and 1 share. As compared to link post which was posted earlier than the photo post only seen by 48 users without any like or comment. And see the virality of the photo post.
How To increase Facbook Fan Page fans

This shows that the photo post is a great way to promote your post on your Facebook fan page.Follow the below steps to publish a photo post on your Facebook fan page:-

  1. First of all Click on Photo/Video link of your Facebook fan page’s share box.
  2. Click on “Attach Photo/Video”.
  3. Browse for the image which you used in your blog post
  4. Write something about your post.
  5. After that enter URL of the post from your blog or website.
  6. And finally click on “Post” button.
 For more details see the photo post screen shot.

  • Second Smart Way
Using polls is the second smart way to engage user Facebook fans and get more traffic. When your fans answer the poll it gets seen by their friends also by using notifications or news feed. And this helps spread the polls to lots of new users and helps increase your Facebook fan page like and finally your blog or website traffic.

You can see in the screen shot below that how poll engage the Facebook fan and other user.

How To increase Facbook Fan Page fans

As the polls are the best way to interact with your Facebook fans, you can see how polls are being answered by the fans and their friends. Just within a day, as you can see in the image, this poll engaged 195 people including fans and their friends, increasing your page fans and ultimately driving more traffic to your blog or website. You can also see how viral the polls are in image below:

How To increase Facbook Fan Page fans

You can create a poll about anything like I created above or ask your fans what they like most about your blog or website or what they want in future from your blog or anything.
Follow these steps to create a poll :
  1. Go to your fan page
  2. Click on “Offer, Event +”.
  3. Next click on “Question”
  4. Add question and options for it.
  5. Uncheck the box “Allow anyone to add options”
  6. And finally click on “Post”.
Their are other ways too but they are not as effective as these two are. What are your smart ways to engage and increase Facebook Fan Page fans?
Omkar Fatale

Omkar Fatale

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1 comment:

  1. So, lets start it right now and create a fan page for your business. If you know how to use it or have got some information, you can do a lot with it. It can boost your customers from 100s to 1000s in a very short time, let's say a few months.

    buy facebook fans


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