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How to Disable Right click/Copy Paste in blogger/blogspot blogs

How to disable Right Click/Copy Paste In blogger/blogspot
Yesterday, while I was checking my backlinks I found out that some of the blogger copied content from my blog. And That was so horrible thing that happened to me. Because it took me hours to create those posts and those b****ds copy pasted it in their own blog in seconds. I was totally shocked with this act of those shameless and lazy bloggers who copied my content.

This made me to disable copy pasting on my blog. So I searched on Google for script that will do this and I found lots of articles showing how to disable Right Click/Copy paste in blogger/ blogspot blogs and other websites.

So if you don't want your hour's work to be copy pasted by those crazy people then use this code in your blog.

Steps for adding code to your blog:
  1. Sign In to Blogger account and choose relevant blog.
  2. Go to Layout.
  3. Click on Add a Gadget.
  4. Choose HTML/JAVASCRIPT from the gadgets.
  5. Now Copy the code and Paste it on the selected Gadget and Save it.
How to disable Right Click/Copy Paste In blogger/blogspot

Here is the Code:

Actually as copy paste is disabled you may have problem in copying this code, but you can try to copy it or give me your email id in the comment, I will mail this code to you. Share this with your friends please.
Omkar Fatale

Omkar Fatale


    1. I understand your decision to disable copy and pasting on your blog. But, you could use a monitoring tool like Tynt and benefit when someone copies your content as most of the information on the web is shared via copy-paste.

      1. Thanks for the information friend, and I agree with you that most of the information on the web is copy-paste.


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