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7 Facebook Security Tips For Avoiding Getting Hacked!!!

Facebook Security Tips

These security tips are provided by Facebook itself. 

 Here are 7 things you can do to help keep your account safe:

  1. Pick a strong password: Use a combination of at least six numbers, letters, and punctuation marks (like ! and &)
  2. Make sure your email account(s) are secure
  3. Log out of Facebook when you use a computer you share with other people
  4. Run anti-virus software on your computer:
  5. Add a security question to your account (learn how)
  6. Use extra security features (Check here)
  7. Think before you click or download anything
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 All These 7 Facebook Security Tips are explained in details below.
  • Think before you click. Never click suspicious links — even if they come from a friend or a company you know. This includes links sent on Facebook (ex: in a chat or post) and links sent in emails. If one of your friends clicks on spam by accident, that link might be sent to all of their Facebook friends. Remember to never re-enter your Facebook password or download something (ex: a .exe file) if you aren’t sure what it is. If you're asked to re-enter your password on Facebook (ex: you're making changes to your account settings) check to make sure the address of the page still has in the URL. Learn more about recognizing suspicious links and suspicious emails.
  • If you don’t know what it is, don’t paste it into your internet address bar. Pasting unfamiliar text into your address bar could result in events and pages being created from your account or other spammy actions. Learn more about malicious script scams.
  • Pick a unique, strong password. Use combinations of at least six letters, numbers and punctuation marks; don’t use words that can be found in the dictionary. When in doubt, change your password. You can reset your password by going to your Account Settings page, located in the Account dropdown menu at the top of every Facebook page.
  • Never give out your username or password. Never share your login credentials (ex: email address and password) for any reason. Individuals, pages or groups that ask for your login information in exchange for discounted goods (ex: free poker chips) shouldn’t be trusted. These types of deals are carried out by cybercriminals and are in violation of Facebook’s Payment Terms
  • Log in at Sometimes scammers will set up a fake page to look like a Facebook login page, hoping to get you to enter your email address and password. Make sure you check the page's URL (web address) before you enter your login information. When in doubt, you can always type "" into your browser to get back to the real Facebook site.
  • Update your browser . Current versions of Firefox and Internet Explorer have built in security protection, like warning you if you navigate to a suspected phishing site. Facebook supports:
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Safari
    • Google Chrome
    • Internet Explorer
  • Run anti-virus software to protect yourself from viruses and malware. These antivirus softwares will keep you away from viruses and malwares.

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Omkar Fatale

Omkar Fatale

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