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Some Useful Computer(Win XP/Vista/7) Tips, Tricks And Hacks!!!

Just learn all the computer tips,tricks and hacks of Windows XP and Windows 7 below, and just try to impress your friends with all these tips, tricks and hacks.

All the Tips first:-


      We all know that ALT+TAB lets us switch between the currently open windows, and it works in all versions of windows. But have you ever tried using WIN+TAB key combination? Just try it and let me know in the comments..


      Now open "command prompt" in any folder you like.To do this press shift key and while keeping it pressed right-click on any folder, a context menu will appear, just click on "Open command window here", and wow!!!! command prompt will appear...


      You can improve your computer's visibility by this simple tip. Open "run"  by pressing shortcut key WIN+R. then type "cttune.exe" and press enter, this is used for improving your on screen reading, follow the steps to configure. Now, again press WIN+R, type "dccw.exe" and press enter, this is used for improving color performance, follow the steps to configure.

Now Time some Tricks And Hacks:-


       Use this Trick to create folders with no name. Create new folder or rename existing one and while pressing ALT button, type "0160" using numeric pad and press enter. Fool your friends with this magic trick.


      Trick/Hack to enable "God Mode" in Windows 7. Create "New Folder" on your desktop and give it the following name "God-Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}". You can substitute whatever name you want for "God-Mode". Now you can see, Control Panel and other controls on a single click. You see thats why it is called GOD MODE.


      Sometimes we want to see the properties of any file or folder, and normally we do it by right-clicking on it and then going to properties. One other way is, click on folder and press ALT+ENTER. You can also do this by selecting folder and  then while pressing ALT and do double click, it shows properties.

So friends, was it helpful to you, let me know in comments...

Omkar Fatale

Omkar Fatale

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