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Be An Expert Facebook Chatter With These Facebook Chat Tricks

Facebook has become the necessary part of our lives. Some people literally can't live without it. Most people spend their time on Facebook by chatting with other friends or colleagues. And If you are one of them then this post "Be An Expert Facebook Chatter With These Facebook Chat Tricks" is for you.

Facebook chat tricks are very useful that it adds something interesting, fun, meaning to the conversation. If you want to impress your friends or girlfriend then you might want to try all these Facebook chat tricks.

So, don't wait, go on and read it:
  1. Create Funny Fake Walls:

    Now create Funny Fake Facebook walls such as Einstein, Osama Bin Laden, Michel Jackson and also you can create their fake conversation such as likes(e.g. Mark Zuckerberg like this) and comments(e.g. Manmohan Singh also commented in this), status updates. Just go to and you can also create your friends fake wall and conversation(comments).

  2. Use Friends Profile Pic as Emoticon:

    You can send yours or your friends profile pic as emoticon in Facebook chat. First go to and paste your profile URL in text box and get your Facebook profile id. Now paste this code in the double rectangular brackets as [[Facebook id code]] and hit enter.

  3. Create Your Own Emoticons:

    Want to create your own emoticons from images, profile pics or any other type of images? Then this trick will help you to do so. You can also create fancy or funny emoticons with only text. Just visit upload the photo you want to send in chat and copy the generated code and paste in chat. And for fancy and funny text, type your text, choose different style and paste the generated code in chat. That's it.

  4. Automatically Log-Out From Facebook:

    How amazing and interesting it would be to auto log out from Facebook!!! Yes you can do auto log out from Facebook. And this is possible by simply installing a Firefox add-on. Just copy and paste the following link Download the add-on and install it.

  5. Write Text Upside Down and Reverse:

    Add more fun with this trick by sending upside down and reverse text in Facebook Chat. Just go to type your text and copy the upside down text and paste it in chat.
    You can also send bubble text from the above website.

  6. Search In Chat:

    Don't remember what your friend said in chat or can't find when and where he/she said that. Don't worry, you can search in the chat for particular text. Just follow the steps below:
    • In the chat window select settings icon and select view full conversation.
    • Then at the message window click the search button at top right.
    • Write what you want to search for.

  7. Check Who Is Offline While Still Being Online:

    Sometime you don't want yourself to seen online by your friends, and there may lots of reasons for that. Or sometimes your friends are online but they are offline only for you. Then you can check who is actually online while keeping their status offline. Just go to the following Facebook app and catch your friends red hand.

  8. Go Offline For Particular Friend:

    This comes in handy when a person is annoying you on Facebook or you don't want to chat with a particular person. instead of turning chat off for all friends you can turn chat off for a particular friend. Look in the image below or go to setting>>advanced setting type friends name whom you don't want to chat.
Source Tech2Entertain Blog. Join us there.
Omkar Fatale

Omkar Fatale

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